Public relations today necessitates a more multidimensional, dynamic, and exciting approach. A marketing consultant must help develop a compelling and cohesive brand position for their client’s exposure. Defining and articulating a brand’s beliefs and its position have become essential to a successful campaign.
Because competition is stiff today and all public relations access points exist on numerous platforms, it becomes immensely important to differentiate the brand and to keep the look and feel consistent in order to sustain the approach.
As with all other components of a strategic marketing approach, brands must focus on relationship building. With social communities and consumer engagement at all time highs, brands need to put the human element at the forefront. Any brand today must align itself with an exquisite customer experience.
This vision of appreciation, transparency, and integrity resonates with editors and publishers. A successful media campaign incorporates an entire realm of marketing efforts into an integrated process with channels to multiple platforms.
The route to media exposure constantly changes, is always in flux, and must be evaluated on a parallel plane with the advancement of technology.

Cindy Allen, editor–in-chief, Interior Design Magazine
Truly a kind and generous person herself thanks WinSpin CIC
Interior Design February 2011