Please click here to view summaries of the book & manuscript currently in draft form. Elbow Grease + Chicken Fat has sold over 2K copies and is still being sold on Amazon.
​I provide art direction for my clients and I am an artist myself. Please view my art and cards that are for sale.

"Good story telling wins me over every time. Marilynn Mendell's book title, Elbow Grease + Chicken Fat, promised me a story, many stories in fact. They're about life, food, business, family, and most of all finding one's self. Open the book, anywhere and find yourself in it."
Susan S. Szenasy, Publisher/Editor in Chief, Metropolis
"Elbow Grease + Chicken Fat is hard to put down. I love the recipes, and Marilynn Deane Mendell has included many that I'd like to try. The accompanying words of wisdom--on growing a business and much more-- are just as valuable. Kudos to Marilynn for implementing a great idea! It was extremely motivational."
Diana Mosher, Editor in Chief, Multi-Housing News
"This is a book for anyone who likes good food and thoughtful advice. Marilynn's stories make you laugh, think and plan your next success and/or dinner party. I read it all the way through in two sittings and savored every page."
Myrna Young, Executive Director, Everyone Opportunity Center
"Marilynn's book offers practical and inspiring recipes for success-in life, business, and your next dinner party. She weaves poignant, entertaining anecdotes with hard-earned entrepreneurial lessons and a treasure trove of dishes. A delicious, enriching read!"
Jennifer Oh, Digital Customer Experience, Capital One
"A fantastic Chef, besides being one of the most inspiring women who ever walked this earth, I just love you so much. I want the book, where do I send my money and how much do I send and of course I want it autographed. How much do you charge to do a seminar for women to lift them up? This is what women need to hear, they need to know they can do anything."
Joyce Patton