Family and community service share a balanced place with my clients. I have traveled extensively, read eclectically, and have a myriad of interests. This type of curiosity combined with years of experience and knowledge supports the creative talents my clients require for their campaigns. I like sharing the wisdom I have gained. After thirty years in business I continue to keep my clients happy by maintaining a high level of integrity, balance and generosity.
There’s a reason I named my business WinSpinCIC. It stands for winning the game of business, spinning the plans to meet your goals, and I love working with creative intelligence. It’s the most difficult kind of intelligence to measure, it’s closely related to emotional intelligence, and people with these attributes provide their clients with amazing results. Simply put, I thrive on smart people and if they happen to be innovative and wildly exciting even better. I look forward to speaking with you. Thank you in advance for thinking about working with me.

Marilynn Deane Mendell, President
WinSpin CIC, Inc.
National Award Winning Public Relations Firm positive attitude
Clear Concise Message BRANDING writer GrammarDETAILstickler
Innovation ACTION marketing Public Relations CrEaTiVe
Change Management FRESH ideas ALIVE Strategic Planning Endless
Possibilities THINK Beyond @Social Media
#TOP marketing firm Go Wild LESS IS MORE Ideation
@winspincic Work inside of Client’s Budget Washington, DC
Original Solutions crisis management FUN yet sane Ingenious Direction
ARTDIRECTION CoRpOrAte ETIQUETTE manners matter in marketing
BIG thinking Call 540.207.4045 ROI
"I always knew you were awesome, but I didn't realize that you are like the Dos Equis 'The Most Interesting Man (Woman) in the World'."
- Scott Frank "Your Admirer"